Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Honorable Brett Bray-Blanco County Judge


Brett Bray was re-elected Blanco County Judge in November 2018 and is serving his third term.  He has been a licensed attorney for over 30 years.  Formerly he served the State of Texas as general counsel to two major state agencies.  He is also certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Administrative Law and has been a member of the College of the State Bar for many years. Prior to taking the bench, Judge Bray has served as administrative law judge and/or final order authority in scores of contested cases. He is presently serving on the Texas Association of Counties Judicial Education Committee.

The Texas Constitution vests broad judicial and administrative powers in the position of county judge, who presides over a five-member commissioners’ court, which has budgetary and administrative authority over county government operations. In Blanco County, the county judge also serves as the only “intermediate court” between Justice of the Peace courts and general jurisdiction district courts. Jurisdiction includes all probate, occupational drivers’ license, limited-value civil suits, criminal misdemeanors, guardianships and more.

One of the more unusual duties for a county judge is the title of Emergency Management Director. Judge Bray works closely with the county emergency management coordinator and all first responder agencies for overall emergency operations that take place in the county.  Additionally, Judge Bray represents a 3-county area (Blanco, Gillespie and Llano) on the Board of Directors for Hill Country Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.

The Honorable Brett Bray

P.O. Box 387
Johnson City, Texas 78636

(830) 868-4266

: (830) 868-9112
Email: cojudge@co.blanco.tx.us